
Still image from the Interactive piece “Sniper”, 2009
Link to the Processing Code of “Sniper” : GitHub Code for “Sniper”
October 13th, 2009?
Low resolution image of one traffic camera with moving controls that has an added image layer of crosshairs.
He is concerned with the project looking like a video game instead of an Art project.
Nancy Daly: Why the crosshairs?
Miranda Lichtenstein: What is the winning aspect? Are people suppose to interface with it like a game? It has too many inclinations of being a video game without having a supreme goal.
Lizzy Brooks: Maybe you should perform it. If you are just zeroing in at one-point, there has to be a reason.
Timothy Druckrey: What if you could turn the tables and track someone in the room? The issue of interactivity isn’t to make the audience to perform for a single user. It is to create boundless behavior and examine how they act within the parameters of the exhibition.
Micah Walter: I am interested in how people interact with the Internet, basically. I want to explain the disconnect between how the information is organized and it’s connection with human actions.
“A Hole in Space” by Sherrie Rabinowitz and Kit Galloway – 1980′s piece about the usage of transcontinental telecommunication network with live-streaming video on both sides of the country (New York & Los Angeles). The people on the streets discovered it, and began modulating their behavior according to the piece.