Anish Kapoor

Still images of the installation “Memory“, (2008)
Notes on “Memory”
“The idea of using space as a process of circumnavigation. The piece requires you to enter a room, view it from one point, and then to enter another point/room to view another detail. The first two rooms are about the big object. It is uncomfortable as it leans over – that tension is important. It is “industrial” and massive and the sculpture reflecting it being “made” is required. The third view is the opposite; it is dark, cave-like and seemingly expansive and not about being made out of an object as much as the space that is being created. Site matters and it often does in sculpture. I don’t hold to that dictum completely, because a good idea can come out in whatever space.”
“Color has always been an important interest for me. It isn’t just a covering, it is a substance. It has a physical reality, but it is also very unreal in quality. Immaterial color is an ongoing theme in my work. Scale also has meaning for me, it is a particular type of quantity.”