Alfredo Jaar

Still images from “This is not America (A Logo for America)”
Art 21 Alfredo Jaar Interview:
Alfredo Jaar Gramsci Pasolini Art21 Exclusive
Note on the artist
Chilean-born artist, has practiced in architecture and film-making and lives in New York. Known mostly for his installation work and often incorporation photography and covering sociopolitical issues and war. He feels complete as an artist by dividing up his life into 3 categories. The “Art World”, Public Projects, and as a Professor. The “Art World” is too small and pathetic to be the pinnacle of achievement for an artistto aim to just succeed in. Art and culture can affect change, it can be done. Architecture – architect method of working by striving to reach a critical mass of information to understand the site as a cultural center rather than just as a location. I was an artist born in Chile, but I have the right to do whatever work I wish. We are citizens of the world. Not a studio artist, but a project artist.

Still image of outside the building of “The Museum of Memories and Human Rights” – “Museo de la Memoria y los Derechos Humanos”
Note on “The Museum of Memories and Human Rights”
Established by Michelle Bachelet when she was president of Chile in January 11, 2010. “We cannot change our past, we can only learn from what we have lived. This is our opportunity and our challenge.”
The museum is a tribute to victims and to all who struggled to promote and defend human rights in Chile. It is a site dedicated
to commemoration and education, affirming a strong commitment to ensure that such abuses never occur again.