September 29th, 2009
Mythology: 1973: the great groundhog storm of ’73. Destroyed a lighthouse. He wants to create his own narrative from the actual storm wreckage. Using Incostic as a wax medium to produce his prints. Has been shooting for the past 3 weeks out of an abandoned building. WAnts to create a narrative out of all the images of decay.
Shooting within an abandoned hospital where all the medical equipment was left. Wants to possibly make a commentary about the US healthcare system and pandemic issue of H1N1.
• Seems very interested into decay, urban or otherwise.
• Has a relationship about the story telling aspect of decay. THe destruction becomes recontextualized, and important as a signifier for the future.
• The hospital images are stronger because of their “clinical” expression.
• If there is a great series, in what way is it going to be depicted?
• What is the myth? What is the narrative?
Timothy Druckrey: “What photographer are you?”
John McNeil: Narrative mythology / Real Historical Event vs. Metaphorical Value.