Painting #1

Still image from video “Palette” 2009
September 29th, 2009
Showed us a video of a person dragging around a palette knife across paper bags from a POV perspective.
His drawings come from his childhood and his experience of being hyper-active. All his work is personally related to specific ‘trauma(s)’ in his life.
Miranda Lichtenstein : There is repetition and pushing towards wanting a narrative may be a handicap. Focus on process rather than results.
His drawings are himself, a self-portrait abstracted. They are suppose to depict his philosophy, but what is his philosophy?
His work are recordings of something personal.
Sunday Ballew : All the work is exploration to try and discover yourself. But to me it is an investigation of self. Microscopic level of self. Video’s perspective was of the tool and was more organic.
Tim recommends: ‘Atlas’ and from the same artist; hand-painted photographer. ‘Hand-painted photography’. Gerhard Richter; explores the role of the hand. Personal physical touches to his photography.